Anypoint Platform Operations Customer-Hosted Runtimes


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Course Details

Anypoint Platform Operations Customer-Hosted Runtimes

Duration: 2 Days 

Course Code: APOCHR


•    A knowledge of system administration and server commands
•    A basic understanding of data formats such as XML, CSV, and JSON
•    A basic understanding of typical integration technologies such as HTTP, JMS, JDBC, REST, and SOAP

Course Description:

Get experience managing and monitoring customer-hosted Mule runtimes and applications.

Course Objectives:

At the end of this course, students should be able to: 

•    Describe the Mule runtime architecture.
•    Install, configure, run, tune, and scale Mule runtimes.
•    Deploy Mule applications to Mule runtimes.
•    Use Anypoint Runtime Manager to manage, monitor, and analyze Mule runtimes and Mule applications.
•    Scale and tune Mule runtimes and Mule applications.
•    Automate administration tasks.

Intended Audience:

This course is for all operations and administration personnel, developers, and architects who want to get hands-on experience managing and monitoring customer-hosted Mule runtimes and applications (on-premises or in a private cloud) with Anypoint Runtime Manager (whether on the cloud or using the Private Cloud Edition).

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introducing customer-hosted Mule runtimes
•    Describe typical Mule deployment architectures and solutions
•    Identify infrastructure options to host Mule runtimes
•    Install and start Mule runtimes
•    Deploy Mule applications to Mule runtimes

Module 2: Managing Mule applications and Mule domain projects
•    Inspect and manage deployed Mule applications
•    Deploy Mule domain projects to Mule runtimes
•    Deploy and manage multiple Mule applications in the same shared Mule domain

Module 3: Managing and monitoring Mule runtimes
•    Configure and manage Mule runtimes and licenses
•    Locate and interpret Mule runtime log files
•    Monitor Mule runtimes with JMX
•    Create secure Mule runtime administration connections

Module 4: Tuning and troubleshooting Mule runtimes
•    Debug Mule applications
•    Tune the JVM for Mule runtimes
•    Dump a Mule runtime's heap memory and threads

Module 5: Managing users and resources
•    Organize users and resources with business groups and environments
•    Administer Anypoint Platform users
•    Create and manage Anypoint Platform roles

Module 6: Managing Mule runtimes and Mule applications
•    Register customer-hosted Mule runtimes with Anypoint Runtime Manager using Runtime Manager Agent
•    Deploy Mule applications to customer-hosted Mule runtimes using Runtime Manager
•    Manage Mule applications with Runtime Manager
•    Align servers and server groups with SDLC environments

Module 7: Configuring Mule applications
•    Configure a Mule application for deployment
•    Configure a Mule runtime to use external properties files
•    Use properties files with encrypted values
•    Configure environment-specific properties files

Module 8: Monitoring and analyzing Mule runtimes and Mule applications
•    View Mule runtime and Mule application dashboards
•    Configure alerts for Mule runtimes and Mule applications
•    Control Mule application flows
•    Monitor and analyze Mule application generated business events
•    Configure third-party monitoring and analysis plugins

Module 9: Meeting performance and reliability goals
•    Distinguish between Mule application performance tuning and scaling goals, options, and solution architectures
•    Create and manage Mule runtime clusters
•    Deploy Mule applications to Mule runtime clusters
•    Test load balancing and failover behavior of applications deployed to Mule runtime clusters

Module 10: Automating administration tasks
•    Automate admin tasks with the Anypoint CLI tool
•    Automate admin tasks with Anypoint Platform REST APIs