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Visual Basic for Applications


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Course Details

Visual Basic for Applications

Duration: 3 Day


Proficient knowledge of Microsoft Excel. Knowledge of PivotTables helpful but not required.

Course Outlines:

Getting Started
•    Introducing Visual Basic for Applications
•    Displaying the Developer Tab in the Ribbon
•    Recording a Macro
•    Saving a Macro-Enabled Workbook
•    Running a Macro
•    Editing a Macro in the Visual Basic Editor
•    Understanding the Development Environment
•    Using Visual Basic Help
•    Closing the Visual Basic Editor
•    Understanding Macro Security

Working with Procedures and Functions
•    Understanding Modules
•    Creating a Standard Module
•    Understanding Procedures
•    Creating a Sub Procedure
•    Calling Procedures
•    Using the Immediate Window to Call Procedures
•    Creating a Function Procedure
•    Naming Procedures
•    Working with the Code Editor

Understanding Objects
•    Understanding Objects
•    Navigating the Excel Object Hierarchy
•    Understanding Collections
•    Using the Object Browser
•    Working with Properties
•    Using the With Statement
•    Working with Methods
•    Creating an Event Procedure

Using Expressions, Variables, and Intrinsic Functions
•    Understanding Expressions and Statements
•    Declaring Variables
•    Understanding Data Types
•    Working with Variable Scope
•    Using Intrinsic Functions
•    Understanding Constants
•    Using Intrinsic Constants
•    Using Message Boxes
•    Using Input Boxes
•    Declaring and Using Object Variables

Controlling Program Execution
•    Understanding Control-of-Flow Structures
•    Working with Boolean Expressions
•    Using the If...End If Decision Structures
•    Using the Select Case...End Select Structure
•    Using the Do...Loop Structure
•    Using the For...To...Next Structure
•    Using the For Each...Next Structure
•    Guidelines for use of Control-of-Flow Structures    

Working with Forms and Controls
•    Understanding UserForms
•    Using the Toolbox
•    Working with UserForm Properties, Events, and Methods
•    Understanding Controls
•    Setting Control Properties in the Properties Window
•    Working with the Label Control
•    Working with the Text Box Control
•    Working with the Command Button Control
•    Working with the Combo Box Control
•    Working with the Frame Control
•    Working with Option Button Controls
•    Working with Control Appearance
•    Setting the Tab Order
•    Populating a Control
•    Adding Code to Controls
•    Launching a Form in Code

Working with the PivotTable Object
•    Understanding PivotTables
•    Creating a PivotTable Using Worksheet Data
•    Working with the PivotTable Objects
•    Working with the Pivot Fields Collection
•    Assigning a Macro to the Quick Access Toolbar

Debugging Code
•    Understanding Errors
•    Using Debugging Tools
•    Setting Breakpoints
•    Stepping through Code
•    Using Break Mode during Run mode
•    Determining the Value of Expressions

Handling Errors
•    Understanding Error Handling
•    Understanding VBA's Error Trapping Options
•    Trapping Errors with the On Error Statement
•    Understanding the Err Object
•    Writing an Error-Handling Routine
•    Working with Inline Error Handling