Node JS


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Course Details

Node JS

Duration: 5 Days


•    Basic understanding of JavaScript.

Course Description:

Node.js is an Open Source server framework, completely free, and used by thousands of developers around the world. Node.js allows you to run JavaScript on the server. Node.js is a very powerful JavaScript-based framework/platform built on Google Chrome's JavaScript V8 Engine. It is used to develop I/O intensive web applications like video streaming sites, single-page applications, and other web applications.
Course Objectives:

What you'll learn:

•    Learn why server-side JavaScript is useful
•    Install Node.js
•    Learn how Node.js is architected to allow high scalability with asynchronous code
•    Create basic web applications with Node.js
•    Automate tasks with Gulp
•    Build an HTTP server using the core modules in Node.js
•    Use stream I/O to efficiently serve the web pages
•    Create modules to organize the server
•    Test the reliability of the application with unit tests
•    Convert the application to an MVC framework using Express
•    Interface to a MongoDB database and a web service.

Intended Audience:

•    Professional Web developers, 
•    Team leaders in Web Development
•    Web Architects who have knowledge of JavaScript

Course Outlines:

Understanding Node environment
a. Extending JavaScript 
b. V8 
c. The Process Object

Understanding Asynchronous Event Driven Programming
a. Broadcasting Events 
b. Listening for Events 
c. Timers 
d. Understanding the Event Loop 
e. Callbacks and errors

Streaming Data Across Node And clients
a. Exporting Steams 
b. Creating and HTTP Server 
c. The Request objects 
d. Working with Headers 
e. Handling Post Data

Access the File System
a. Directories & iterating overs files and folders 
b. Reading from File 
c. Writing to a File

Using Express
a. Installing Express and Making it Easier to Build Web Server 
b. Routes 
c. Static File and Middleware 

a. Relational Database and SQL 
b. Node & MYSQL 
c. NoSQL and Documents 
d. MongoDB and Mongoose 
e. CRUD operation using MongoDB

Working with MySQL
a. CRUD Operation using MYSQL

Connecting Node with Angular
a. Installation of Angular 
b. Components 
c. Services 
d. Template Form 
e. Event Handling

CRUD operation with HTTP
